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Lead Based Paint abatement activities are regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


Any activity that disturbs more than six square feet of lead paint per room for interior activities or more than 20 square feet on any exterior surface is subject to the EPA's Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program.


US EPA regulations require that prior to starting work, contractors must provide occupants with a copy of the Renovate Right pamphlet, available in English and Spanish.(see more information  on this link: ).

Federal regulations also require using EPA-certified contractors to perform most lead remediation work ordered by government agencies. The owner or contractor needs to clear the remediation method with the agency before beginning the project.Any activity that disturbs more than six square feet of lead paint 1 per room for interior activities or more than

20 square feet on any exterior surface. US EPA regulations require that prior to starting work, contractors must provide occupants with a copy of the Renovate Right pamphlet, available in English and Spanish (see more information at end of brochure). Federal regulations also require using EPA-certified contractors to perform most lead remediation work ordered by government agencies. The owner or contractor needs to clear the remediation method with the agency before beginning the project.

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Lead Based Paint Disclosure

Lead paint can make your home difficult to sell.

Any information you know about the presence of lead-based 

paint must be disclosed to potential buyers. Though that can turn away some shoppers, lead paint disclosure is required by law.


Exterior Paint Removal

Lead based paint can also contaminate soil around the house.
Small children, who have a tendency to put their hands and other objects in their mouth, are at an increased risk of accumulating harmful amounts of lead in their bodies.


Lead Paint Testing

Always have a certified, licensed

professional perform the Lead 

test on your home or business.


They will provide you with a Lead Survey that will tell the abatement company where and how much lead paint material there is  to be removed.

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Lead Paint on Asbestos Siding

Where situations call for more than one type of hazardous material removal, Prestige has the certified and licensed professionals to resolve any environmental issue.

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Lead Based Paint Removal

As long as lead paint is in good condition, and the surface hasn't been broken, the paint doesn't pose a serious health threat. The problem comes when the lead paint starts deteriorating, when lead dust and flakes of lead paint begin accumulating on surfaces such as window sills, counter tops, and floors, as well as on children's toys, clothes, and bedding.

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Lead Based Paint Removal

Always have a certified, licensed

professional perform the Lead 

test on your home or business.
Never rely n someone's word that something is or is not Lead bases paint.




Lead is one of the main health and environmental hazards associated with paint.

If you have encountered lead based paint in your home or property,

please do not hesitate to contact us.


"Click the link below to arrange an inspection."

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